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The George family, who are homeschooling their children in the elementary grades, have taken over the business and are regularly adding products they find to be useful additions to their own eclectic approach where each child’s education is being customized according to their unique developmental levels and interests.

The George family is currently homeschooling their two children Hannah (10) and LLewellyn (7) and serve the homeschooling community by standing on the shoulders of the Erwee family who started SA Homeschool Suppliers in 2013.

The company was started to make available homeschool resources that were difficult to source, especially second language Afrikaans resources.
The Erwee’s have been homeschooling since 1997 – that’s over 20 years – and have tried and tested a variety of homeschooling curricula and resources and found some that worked fantastically well for them and others that worked, but were not quite to their liking for some or other reason.

Back in the day, when it came to materials for learning Afrikaans as a second language, there were no products at all designed specifically for the homeschool scenario, so by trial and error they have gone through a range of about 10 different Afrikaans workbooks and text books.
Unfortunately, many of these were so geared to the typical South African classroom scenario, requiring group work or other forms of classroom interaction, that they were a total flop in the Erwee homeschool and are now collecting dust!

Since then the business has grown and new products are being added to help beginner homeschoolers with children in the elementary grades. At primary school level parents really do not need expensive curricula, the books we supply are affordable and help cover the acquisition of the basic skills in Reading, Writing and Arithmetic.

Annamarie is active in preparing children for formal learning Encouraging Learning Readiness Through Movement and Nutrition as well as making use of the principles that inform Integrated Learning Therapy to prevent or rectify learning problems medication free. Please visit ILT’s Facebook page for more on this subject.