by Annamarie What is eclectic homeschooling? Eclectic education is a teaching approach that advocates the freedom of the teacher (or parent) to choose different teaching methods (curricula) and strategies for achieving the learning goals. It involves making decisions based on what seems best (for a particular child) instead of following some single doctrine or style. It is therefore,…
The homeschooling lifestyle
Nicki Truesdell
Ever since I became a parent I frequently hear how time flies with kids and how one day I’ll blink and my kids will be moving out, getting married and start having families of their own.
I’m also reminded that the days are long but the years are short.
Like when that sweet older mother you ran into at the grocery store, pushing a rather empty cart, looks over at you and your chaotic tribe with adoring eyes. She tells you to enjoy that tantrum in the store because when they’re teenagers you’ll be wishing all you were worried about was teaching them to manage their emotions in aisle six. And if she’s feeling really nostalgic, she’ll go on to explain how when they move out someday, you’ll be wishing for crazy bedtime bribery again.
As she slowly starts pushing her cart down the aisle away from you and your munchkins, she bids you farewell by saying a phrase we hear often as young parents: the days are long but the years are short.
Voor ek met ʼn huwelik en kinders geseën is, het ek as ʼn kinderterapeut, sielkundige en onderwyser gewerk. My ervaringe as terapeut en onderwyser in privaat en openbare skole het my klaar genoeg oortuig dat hulle huis die beste plek en klimaat vir kinders bied om te groei, leer en te ontwikkel. Maar met hierdie…
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